Server : Apache System : Linux 3.10.0-962.3.2.lve1.5.68.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Wed Apr 6 11:12:23 UTC 2022 x86_64 User : medchoco ( 2906) PHP Version : 8.3.16 Disable Function : mail Directory : /home/medchoco/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wp-file-manager/lib/js/ |
Upload File : |
/** * elFinder resources registry. * Store shared data * * @type Object * @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov **/ elFinder.prototype.resources = { 'class' : { hover : 'ui-state-hover', active : 'ui-state-active', disabled : 'ui-state-disabled', draggable : 'ui-draggable', droppable : 'ui-droppable', adroppable : 'elfinder-droppable-active', cwdfile : 'elfinder-cwd-file', cwd : 'elfinder-cwd', tree : 'elfinder-tree', treeroot : 'elfinder-navbar-root', navdir : 'elfinder-navbar-dir', navdirwrap : 'elfinder-navbar-dir-wrapper', navarrow : 'elfinder-navbar-arrow', navsubtree : 'elfinder-navbar-subtree', navcollapse : 'elfinder-navbar-collapsed', navexpand : 'elfinder-navbar-expanded', treedir : 'elfinder-tree-dir', placedir : 'elfinder-place-dir', searchbtn : 'elfinder-button-search', editing : 'elfinder-to-editing', preventback : 'elfinder-prevent-back', tabstab : 'ui-state-default ui-tabs-tab ui-corner-top ui-tab', tabsactive : 'ui-tabs-active ui-state-active' }, tpl : { perms : '<span class="elfinder-perms"></span>', lock : '<span class="elfinder-lock"></span>', symlink : '<span class="elfinder-symlink"></span>', navicon : '<span class="elfinder-nav-icon"></span>', navspinner : '<span class="elfinder-spinner elfinder-navbar-spinner"></span>', navdir : '<div class="elfinder-navbar-wrapper{root}"><span id="{id}" class="ui-corner-all elfinder-navbar-dir {cssclass}"{title}><span class="elfinder-navbar-arrow"></span><span class="elfinder-navbar-icon" {style}></span>{symlink}{permissions}{name}</span><div class="elfinder-navbar-subtree" style="display:none"></div></div>', placedir : '<div class="elfinder-navbar-wrapper"><span id="{id}" class="ui-corner-all elfinder-navbar-dir {cssclass}"{title}><span class="elfinder-navbar-arrow"></span><span class="elfinder-navbar-icon" {style}></span>{symlink}{permissions}{name}</span><div class="elfinder-navbar-subtree" style="display:none"></div></div>' }, // mimes.text will be overwritten with connector config if `textMimes` is included in initial response // @see php/elFInder.class.php `public static $textMimes` mimes : { text : [ 'application/dash+xml', 'application/docbook+xml', 'application/javascript', 'application/json', 'application/plt', 'application/sat', 'application/sql', 'application/step', 'application/vnd.hp-hpgl', 'application/x-awk', 'application/x-config', 'application/x-csh', 'application/x-empty', 'application/x-mpegurl', 'application/x-perl', 'application/x-php', 'application/x-web-config', 'application/xhtml+xml', 'application/xml', 'audio/x-mp3-playlist', 'image/cgm', 'image/svg+xml', 'image/vnd.dxf', 'model/iges' ] }, mixin : { make : function() { "use strict"; var self = this, fm =, cmd =, req = this.requestCmd || cmd, wz = fm.getUI('workzone'), org = (this.origin && this.origin === 'navbar')? 'tree' : 'cwd', tree = (org === 'tree'), find = tree? 'navHash2Elm' : 'cwdHash2Elm', tarea= (! tree &&'view') != 'list'), sel = fm.selected(), move = this.move || false, empty= wz.hasClass('elfinder-cwd-wrapper-empty'), unselect = function() { requestAnimationFrame(function() { input && input.trigger('blur'); }); }, rest = function(){ if (!':hidden')) { overlay.elfinderoverlay('hide').off('click close', cancel); } if (nnode) { pnode.removeClass('ui-front') .css('position', '') .off('unselect.'+fm.namespace, unselect); if (tarea) { nnode && nnode.css('max-height', ''); } else if (!tree) { pnode.css('width', '') .parent('td').css('overflow', ''); } } }, colwidth, dfrd = jQuery.Deferred() .fail(function(error) { dstCls && dst.attr('class', dstCls); empty && wz.addClass('elfinder-cwd-wrapper-empty'); if (sel) { move && fm.trigger('unlockfiles', {files: sel}); fm.clipboard([]); fm.trigger('selectfiles', { files: sel }); } error && fm.error(error); }) .always(function() { rest(); cleanup(); fm.enable().unbind('open', openCallback).trigger('resMixinMake'); }), id = 'tmp_'+parseInt(Math.random()*100000), phash = && : (tree? fm.file(sel[0]).hash : fm.cwd().hash), date = new Date(), file = { hash : id, phash : phash, name : fm.uniqueName(this.prefix, phash), mime : this.mime, read : true, write : true, date : 'Today '+date.getHours()+':'+date.getMinutes(), move : move }, dum = fm.getUI(org).trigger('create.'+fm.namespace, file), data = || {}, node = fm[find](id), nnode, pnode, overlay = fm.getUI('overlay'), cleanup = function() { if (node && node.length) {; node.hide(); fm.unselectfiles({files : [id]}).unbind('resize', resize); requestAnimationFrame(function() { if (tree) { node.closest('.elfinder-navbar-wrapper').remove(); } else { node.remove(); } }); } }, cancel = function(e) { if (!':hidden')) { pnode.css('z-index', ''); } if (! inError) { cleanup(); dfrd.reject(); if (e) { e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); } } }, input = jQuery(tarea? '<textarea></textarea>' : '<input type="text"/>') .on('keyup text', function(){ if (tarea) { = '1px'; = this.scrollHeight + 'px'; } else if (colwidth) { = colwidth + 'px'; if (this.scrollWidth > colwidth) { = this.scrollWidth + 10 + 'px'; } } }) .on('keydown', function(e) { e.stopImmediatePropagation(); if (e.keyCode == jQuery.ui.keyCode.ESCAPE) { dfrd.reject(); } else if (e.keyCode == jQuery.ui.keyCode.ENTER) { e.preventDefault(); input.trigger('blur'); } }) .on('mousedown click dblclick', function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); if (e.type === 'dblclick') { e.preventDefault(); } }) .on('blur', function() { var name = jQuery.trim(input.val()), parent = input.parent(), valid = true, cut; if (!':hidden')) { pnode.css('z-index', ''); } if (name === '') { return cancel(); } if (!inError && parent.length) { if (fm.options.validName && fm.options.validName.test) { try { valid = fm.options.validName.test(name); } catch(e) { valid = false; } } if (!name || name === '.' || name === '..' || !valid) { inError = true; fm.error(file.mime === 'directory'? 'errInvDirname' : 'errInvName', {modal: true, close: function(){setTimeout(select, 120);}}); return false; } if (fm.fileByName(name, phash)) { inError = true; fm.error(['errExists', name], {modal: true, close: function(){setTimeout(select, 120);}}); return false; } cut = (sel && move)? fm.exec('cut', sel) : null; jQuery.when(cut) .done(function() { var toast = {}, nextAct = {}; rest(); input.hide().before(jQuery('<span>').text(name)); fm.lockfiles({files : [id]}); fm.request({ data : Object.assign({cmd : req, name : name, target : phash}, data || {}), notify : {type : req, cnt : 1}, preventFail : true, syncOnFail : true, navigate : {toast : toast}, }) .fail(function(error) { fm.unlockfiles({files : [id]}); inError = true;; fm.error(error, { modal: true, close: function() { if (Array.isArray(error) && jQuery.inArray('errUploadMime', error) !== -1) { dfrd.notify('errUploadMime').reject(); } else { setTimeout(select, 120); } } }); }) .done(function(data) { if (data && data.added && data.added[0]) { var item = data.added[0], dirhash = item.hash, newItem = fm[find](dirhash), acts = { 'directory' : { cmd: 'open', msg: 'cmdopendir' }, 'text' : { cmd: 'edit', msg: 'cmdedit' }, 'default' : { cmd: 'open', msg: 'cmdopen' } }, tmpMimes; if (sel && move) {'done', function() { fm.exec('paste', dirhash); }); } if (!move) { if (fm.mimeIsText(item.mime) && !fm.mimesCanMakeEmpty[item.mime] && fm.mimeTypes[item.mime]) { fm.trigger('canMakeEmptyFile', {mimes: [item.mime], unshift: true}); tmpMimes = {}; tmpMimes[item.mime] = fm.mimeTypes[item.mime];'mkfileTextMimes', Object.assign(tmpMimes,'mkfileTextMimes') || {})); } Object.assign(nextAct, nextAction || acts[item.mime] || acts[item.mime.split('/')[0]] || acts[(fm.mimesCanMakeEmpty[item.mime] || jQuery.inArray(item.mime, fm.resources.mimes.text) !== -1) ? 'text' : 'none'] || acts['default']); Object.assign(toast, nextAct.cmd ? { incwd : {msg: fm.i18n(['complete', fm.i18n('cmd'+cmd)]), action: nextAct}, inbuffer : {msg: fm.i18n(['complete', fm.i18n('cmd'+cmd)]), action: nextAct} } : { inbuffer : {msg: fm.i18n(['complete', fm.i18n('cmd'+cmd)])} }); } } dfrd.resolve(data); }); }) .fail(function() { dfrd.reject(); }); } }) .on('dragenter dragleave dragover drop', function(e) { // stop bubbling to prevent upload with native drop event e.stopPropagation(); }), select = function() { var name = fm.splitFileExtention(input.val())[0]; if (!inError && fm.UA.Mobile && !fm.UA.iOS) { // since iOS has a bug? (z-index not effect) so disable it overlay.on('click close', cancel).elfinderoverlay('show'); pnode.css('z-index', overlay.css('z-index') + 1); } inError = false; ! fm.enabled() && fm.enable(); input.trigger('focus').trigger('select'); input[0].setSelectionRange && input[0].setSelectionRange(0, name.length); }, resize = function() { node.trigger('scrolltoview', {blink : false}); }, openCallback = function() { dfrd && (dfrd.state() === 'pending') && dfrd.reject(); }, inError = false, nextAction, // for tree dst, dstCls, collapsed, expanded, arrow, subtree; if (!fm.isCommandEnabled(req, phash) || !node.length) { return dfrd.reject(); } if (jQuery.isPlainObject(self.nextAction)){ nextAction = Object.assign({}, self.nextAction); } if (tree) { dst = fm[find](phash); collapsed = fm.res('class', 'navcollapse'); expanded = fm.res('class', 'navexpand'); arrow = fm.res('class', 'navarrow'); subtree = fm.res('class', 'navsubtree'); node.closest('.'+subtree).show(); if (! dst.hasClass(collapsed)) { dstCls = dst.attr('class'); dst.addClass(collapsed+' '+expanded+' elfinder-subtree-loaded'); } if ('.'+collapsed+':not(.'+expanded+')')) { dst.children('.'+arrow).trigger('click').data('dfrd').done(function() { if (input.val() === { input.val(fm.uniqueName(self.prefix, phash)).trigger('select').trigger('focus'); } }); } nnode = node.contents().filter(function(){ return this.nodeType==3 && jQuery(this).parent().attr('id') === fm.navHash2Id(file.hash); }); pnode = nnode.parent(); nnode.replaceWith(input.val(; } else { empty && wz.removeClass('elfinder-cwd-wrapper-empty'); nnode = node.find('.elfinder-cwd-filename'); pnode = nnode.parent(); if (tarea) { nnode.css('max-height', 'none'); } else { colwidth = pnode.width(); pnode.width(colwidth - 15) .parent('td').css('overflow', 'visible'); } nnode.empty().append(input.val(; } pnode.addClass('ui-front') .css('position', 'relative') .on('unselect.'+fm.namespace, unselect); fm.bind('resize', resize).one('open', openCallback); input.trigger('keyup'); select(); return dfrd; } }, blink: function(elm, mode) { "use strict"; var acts = { slowonce : function(){elm.hide().delay(250).fadeIn(750).delay(500).fadeOut(3500);}, lookme : function(){;} }, func; mode = mode || 'slowonce'; func = acts[mode] || acts['lookme']; elm.stop(true, true); func(); } };